Four Stages of Root Canal Treatment

A root canal is a rather common dental procedure used to treat a badly infected tooth. The procedure aims to remove all the infected tissue from inside the tooth to avoid an extraction.

If your tooth is badly infected and may need a root canal, check out the 4 stages of the procedure to understand how it works, and how it will restore your oral health:

Stage 1: Tooth Examination

When you first arrive at the dentist’s office, they will closely inspect the tooth to determine the severity of the infection and whether a root canal is necessary.

The dentist may need to take an X-ray of the tooth, which will allow them to further assess the level of decay and inflammation. They will likely ask you a few questions, such as the level of pain you’re experiencing, when did the first symptoms appear, or how sensitive the tooth is currently.

Once they get all this information and determine that the tooth can be saved through a root canal, you can move on to the next stage of the procedure.

Stage 2: Removing the Infected Pulp

The dentist will inject a local anesthetic that will numb the tooth, and ensure you don’t feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Sometimes, if the infection is large, it may take a few minutes for the anesthetic to numb the area, but rest assured the dentist will not open the tooth until you are numb.

The dentist may recommend a sedative such as laughing gas or oral conscious sedation. This is done to ensure you remain calm and relaxed during the procedure, especially if you’re dealing with dental anxiety or have difficulties remaining still.

After that, the dentist will drill a hole on the top of the tooth and begin removing the infected tissue from the inside. They will continue to do so down the pulp chamber and root of the tooth. Sometimes, they may apply an antibiotic which will help fight off any remaining bacteria.

Once the tooth has been thoroughly cleaned, it essentially means the infection is gone.

Stage 3: Filling the Canals

Your tooth is now clean all the way down to the canals of the root. As a result, the dentist now has to fill these canals with a special material and then add adhesive cement to seal the canals. This will help keep bacteria away from your root.

Stage 4: Tooth Restoration

After the root is clean and the canals are sealed, it’s time to restore the root, either through a filling if there is enough natural tooth left, or potentially a dental crown.

Need a Root Canal? We Can Help

If you are dealing with a tooth infection, Dr. Rohan Shah can perform a root canal and help restore your oral health.

Book an appointment at Washington Dental Studio today to get started.

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