Dental cleanings are generally painless.
After arriving at the dentist's office, the dentist will take a brief look at your file and ask you a few questions concerning your dental health. The dentist will then evaluate your teeth for signs of dental decay, gum disease, or oral cancer.
Right after, the dentist will use a special brush and a scraper to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth. Plaque and tartar result from the build-up of bacteria on the enamel. The removal of these substances from the teeth is also known as scaling.
After scaling, the dentist will use a soft rubber cap and polishing paste to remove the remaining tartar, and surface stains and polish your teeth to a shimmering white. Once the polishing concludes, dentists will use dental floss to floss between teeth to dislodge plaque and tiny food particles. Some dentists will treat patients' teeth with fluoride, which strengthens and protects the teeth.
Finally, the dentist will send you home with instructions on caring for your teeth and maintaining proper oral hygiene.
Proper dental health is important not only for your appearance but also for your general health. Dental health helps your teeth remain white and visually pleasing. Neglecting oral hygiene leads to staining, tooth discoloration, and dental decay that ruin your smile and harm your self-confidence.
Good dental health is also imperative to strong and healthy teeth. Healthy teeth make chewing easier and ensure teeth retain structural integrity even with old age. Dental health is also important for your physical well-being. With strong and healthy teeth, you can maintain a healthy diet and articulate your words correctly.
Remember, your smile is your most noticeable feature, and proper dental health improves your appearance, which boosts your confidence and enhances your interpersonal relationships. This significantly improves your quality of life.
Dental cleanings usually take between 30 minutes and an hour, depending on the amount of buildup on the teeth.
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