How Periodontal Disease Affects Overall Health

When your gums and the bone that surrounds your tooth get infected and inflammation sets in that causes gingivitis. As a result, you will experience swollen gums that bleed more easily, for instance, while brushing your teeth or when biting on harder food, such as an apple. 

If left untreated, gingivitis can evolve into a condition called periodontal disease that can have impactful consequences not just on your oral health, but your overall health too. 

It is highly important to treat the inflammation at an early stage and get periodontal care in Naperville to avoid the severe consequences it can have on your body.

And to do that, you need to maintain a rigorous daily dental care routine. Brush, floss, and rinse your teeth to keep bacteria away. You should also see your dentist in Naperville every six months or at least once a year to make sure everything is in order and address any potential dental issues you may be facing at that time. 

How Does Periodontal Disease Affect My Overall Health?

It has been shown that periodontal disease has quite the impact on not just your teeth and gums, but other aspects of your health too.

Here's how untreated periodontal disease can affect your health:

  • Heart Disease

The inflammation caused by periodontitis can affect the health of your heart. It's been shown that people with periodontal disease have a higher risk (two or even three times higher) of having a heart attack or a stroke. 

  • Stroke

While the research still looks for the exact evidence, so far scientists have discovered a link between periodontal disease and stroke. It's been shown that oral infection can increase the chances of suffering a stroke by two or three times. 

  • Diabetes 

Research shows that people with diabetes are more likely to develop periodontal disease. Diabetes can increase the probability of getting an infection and developing gum disease. Moreover, periodontitis also alters blood sugar levels and can aggravate your condition. 

  • Respiratory Disease 

The bacteria that cause the periodontal disease lives in your mouth. But, in time, this harmful bacteria can get to your lungs and as a result, you can experience severe respiratory complications. 

  • Osteoporosis 

Osteoporosis is a condition that affects the bone structure in the whole body, including the jawbone. As the condition progresses, the bone that offers support to your teeth and helps to keep them attached loses density. If left untreated, it can eventually lead to tooth loss. 

Get Treatment in Naperville at Washington Dental Studio

As you can see, everything in our bodies is interconnected. Your oral health can influence your heart, lungs, and bones. Taking care of one thing prevents a chain reaction that can damage your overall health.

At Washington Dental Studio, we can help you address and treat a wide range of dental problems, including periodontal disease. Dr. Rohan Shah is always striving to provide a calm, comfortable, and informative experience for his patients. 

Book your appointment in Naperville with Dr. Shah today!

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