How to Prepare for Root Canal Treatment

Root canals are one of the most common procedures. If you’re about to get one, you might be wondering if there’s anything you should do beforehand to prepare.

Dr. Rohan Shah will usually provide patients with all the instructions they need based on their specific cases. But here are a few things you may need to do before your root canal.

1. Get Plenty of Rest

Try your best to get the full 8 hours of sleep before your appointment. Though it doesn’t usually take very long, a root canal can be a serious procedure, and they usually run a lot smoother when patients are fully rested.

2. Don’t Drink or Smoke for 24 Before Your Appointment

Both smoking and drinking alcohol can affect how well you respond to the local anesthetic, and increase blood pressure, which could lead to unnecessary bleeding.

As a result, you should avoid any tobacco or alcohol for at least 24 hours before your root canal.

3. Take OTC Pain Medication

Root canals are used to treat a tooth infection, which most likely means that at this point you are experiencing pain and discomfort. You can manage your symptoms by taking OTC medication like Ibuprofen or holding a cold compress to your cheek. 

Rinsing the mouth with saline water may also help ease your pain.

4. Eat a Light Meal

Unless you’re told otherwise, you should eat a light meal before your root canal procedure in Naperville. Because chewing may be painful at this time, you might want to opt for softer foods like smoothies or applesauce.

In general, it’s best to avoid going in on an empty stomach, since your mouth will be numbed with a local anesthetic, which will take a few hours to wear off. While numb, you need to avoid eating, since otherwise, you could accidentally bite your tongue or cheek without realizing it.

5. Ask a Friend to Drive You Home, if Applicable

If you are dealing with dental anxiety or feel like a local anesthetic isn’t enough, sedation dentistry may help you feel more relaxed during your root canal.

However, some types of sedation take longer to wear off, in which case you will need a friend or family member to take you home after the procedure. This is especially the case with oral conscious or IV sedation.

Think You May Need a Root Canal? We Can Help

If you are dealing with a tooth infection and need a root canal, our dentist can help.

To get started, request a consultation at Washington Dental Studio, and stop by to restore your oral health through quality and compassionate dental care.

Want to learn more first? Feel free to call us at (630) 796-0030 for a short chat! We’d be happy to answer all your questions. 

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